Having fun is fundamental to being human. What does history tell us about folks in Florida 200 years ago having fun? Here you’ll find a sampler of songs, stories, plays, dances, foods, fights, and frolics that tickled Territorial Floridians – with step-by-step instructions for stepping in and having fun yourself.
Bonus Features - How People Had Fun
“Songs, Dances, and Stories in Florida 200 Years Ago” (Ages 9 and Up)
Donkey Riding
Native Dances
Black Dances
How to perform Tallahassee’s famous “Spanish Dance”
Yankee Doodle Country Dance
El Retablo De Las Maravillas
“Brawls, Balls, and Burlas in Territorial Tallahassee” (Ages 11 and Up)
James Denham article on Read-Alston duel (shared by permission of Florida Historical Society)
Habeas Corpus Fracas ‘brawl’
Tales from the Log Cabin Capitol
A.J. Hanna A Prince in Their Midst
“The Earliest Waltz” by Idy Codington
Housewright on History of Music & Dance in Florida, 1565-1865
Video Instruction about Steps in “The Spanish Dance”
Subtext: start at 3:17 “200 year old dance” through 5:38 “you keep going” https://vimeo.com/946008637/8e85653639
Video Instruction and Demonstration for “Yankee Doodle Country Dance” https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/650900140
El muerto, or Better Wed than Dead performed by Theater with a Mission (2019) https://vimeo.com/650903834
El retablo de las maravillas, Where Only the Pure See Miracles https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/650924343
Jinxed performed by Theater with a Mission https://vimeo.com/lvlupdigitalmedia/review/938401738/cd89b62566
The Cape Snatcher
“Cultural Adventures in Florida 200 Years Ago” (Ages 14 and Up)
Andrew & Cindy Batten
Subtitle: Andrew Batten Illustrated Resume
El retablo de las maravillas, Where Only the Pure See Miracles
The Cape Snatcher